Kristina Bouweiri: Non Profit To Corporate

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In episode #2 of My 2.0, guest Kristina Bouweiri, the President and CEO of Reston Limousine, shares stories of her career transition. On how she embarked on a non-profit career in Somalia, transitioning into a commission-only Sales position in the US. On how she joined Reston Limousine with her then husband, and eventually took over running the company from him.

Listen in as Kristina opens about how she dealt with imposter syndrome, and her insecurities with being the only female CEO in rooms crowded with male founders and CEOs. And how she worked with a slew of business coaches in growing her ability and confidence to solve complex business problems, including becoming a master speaker, as she scaled the business exponentially. And the importance of self-care and cheerleaders, including the struggles of being a successful business woman, while being a single working mother.


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